Published on Jul 3, 2018 | in child custody,divorce
Our Austin divorce lawyers know divorce is unfortunately very common in the United States, and some of the most affected are the children of divorcing parents. While a divorce can be a tumultuous and confusing time for children, parents can make the process easier and more constructive for everyone involved by developing an effective parenting
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Published on Jun 19, 2018 | in divorce
Plenty of myths and falsehoods swirl around the topic of divorce in Texas, presenting a stigma that some couples can’t get past. If you’re halting your decision to get a divorce because of something you heard, find out if there is any truth to it by consulting with a qualified divorce lawyer in Austin. You
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Published on Jun 18, 2018 | in marriage,prenuptial agreements
Prenuptial agreements have gained popularity over the last several years. They are no longer only reserved for celebrities or high-income couples; many people have discovered the benefits of signing prenuptial agreements. These contracts can help make a future separation or divorce in Texas proceed smoothly. They can also protect separate property, provide financial stability, and
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Published on Jun 18, 2018 | in divorce
The decision to permanently split from your spouse is a serious one. If you’ve come to the conclusion that this is what’s best for your family, however, you will need to know what the necessary grounds for a divorce are in the state of Texas and consider contacting a qualified Austin divorce lawyer. The claimant
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Published on May 1, 2018 | in Firm News
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